Jooki was a dream come true for parents—an intuitive, screen-free audio player that let kids enjoy music and stories with the tap of a token. But that dream turned into frustration when the company behind Jooki went bankrupt, leaving countless devices bricked and families frustrated. But what if Jooki isn’t as dead as it seems?

This blog post isn’t just about fixing a broken audio player—it’s about peeling back the layers of its firmware, finding hidden exploits, a backdoor and unlocking code execution.

With a bit of ingenuity, we might just breathe new life into these abandoned devices—on our own terms. Ready to dive into the rabbit hole? Let’s crack this thing open.

Close to a year ago, I stumbled upon the Kekz Headphones, which seemed like an interesting approach on the whole digital audio device space. They claimed to work without any internet connection and all of the content already on the headphones itself. They are On-Ear Headphones, which work by placing a small chip (I call them “Kekz” or “Cookie”) into a little nook on the side and it plays an audio story. I was intrigued, because there were some speculations going around, how they operate with those “Kekz”-Chips.

I invite you to join me on a journey into the inner workings of those headphones. We will talk about accessing the encrypted files on the device, breaking the crypto and discovering disclosure of data from customers.

The first electronic device which a young child autonomously uses, is most likely an audio device to chose their own music or stories. I am in my mid 30s now and we used cassette tapes, which we were pretty much a common standard back then. Nowadays multiple different licensing methods exists. Tonies, Kekz, Jooki, Coins, you name it. Every company has their own methods and ways to store, encrypt and work with audio files.

From time to time my girlfriend brings electronic children’s toys home which she found in give-away boxes. Most of the time these don’t work and i am intrigued in fixing them.

It was a beaten up “Vtech Pinguin Rasselspass”.

Ich werde keinen Downloader anbieten, weil mir das Coden dieses zu Muehseelig ist. Das hier ist ein Proof of Concept mit einzelnen Scripten, die fuer sich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt funktionieren. Vor einiger Zeit hab ich mit dem Online Archiv Douding ( aus China beschaeftigt. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Moeglichkeit Dokumente online auszutauschen. Man kann sich jedes Dokument online anschauen, aber muss sich einloggen und selber sharen, oder bezahlen um andere Dokumente herunterzuladen.

(Source: Vor ein paar Wochen ist mir eine Document Camera in der Schule aufgefallen. Genauer gesagt handelt es sich im eine L-12 von Elmo. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wussten wir bloss, dass es keine normale Webcam ist und eigene Software fuer Windows und MacOSX bereitgestellt wurde. Also musste es ein eigenes Protokoll sein. Ich moechte hier nicht so tief reingehen in die ganzen Ueberlegungen die wir hatten, sondern nur darstellen, wie das Teil aufgebaut ist und wie man ungefaehr damit kommuniziert.

Infosec Person.

Security Researcher
