reverse-engineering (6)
- Douding Document Sharing Network - 12.01.2017
- freeing Elmo for Linux - 12.01.2017
- vTech Penguin Repair - 02.03.2023
- Children Audio Devices - 24.12.2023
- Reverse Engineering and Dismantling Kekz Headphones - 02.10.2024
- Jooki - Taking Control of a Forgotten Device - 09.02.2025
owasp (4)
- CSRF in Http Basierten Binaer Protokollen - 17.01.2016
- SQLi after order by in less than 22 chars - 11.07.2017
- The weird BLE-Lock - 27.11.2022
- ProjectSend - Stored XSS to Account Takeover - 06.05.2024
children-audio-device (3)
- Children Audio Devices - 24.12.2023
- Reverse Engineering and Dismantling Kekz Headphones - 02.10.2024
- Jooki - Taking Control of a Forgotten Device - 09.02.2025
data-recovery (2)
- I hate you, WD - 17.11.2019
- Swapping Heads: A Disk-y Business - 02.02.2024
sql-injection (2)
- SQLi after order by in less than 22 chars - 11.07.2017
- The weird BLE-Lock - 27.11.2022
android (1)
- The weird BLE-Lock - 27.11.2022
api (1)
- The weird BLE-Lock - 27.11.2022
bluetooth (1)
- The weird BLE-Lock - 27.11.2022
camera (1)
- freeing Elmo for Linux - 12.01.2017
hardware-repair (1)
- vTech Penguin Repair - 02.03.2023
metadata (1)
- Scraping By: My YouTube Data Adventure - 24.12.2024
usb (1)
- freeing Elmo for Linux - 12.01.2017
xss (1)
- ProjectSend - Stored XSS to Account Takeover - 06.05.2024
youtube (1)
- Scraping By: My YouTube Data Adventure - 24.12.2024